Friday, June 27, 2014


                                                TRIPHALA - HEALTH BENEFITS

        Image result for images of triphalaImage result for images of triphala

Triphala is an herbal concoction that’s been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda. Traditionally used as a bowel tonic, it’s often prescribed as a mild laxative. But while its laxative qualities are most widely known, the other benefits of this herb are perhaps even more noteworthy.
To understand Triphala’s impact, you can look at its contents and their effects on doshic balance. The name Triphala means “the three fruits” and it’s comprised of the Indian fruits amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki.
Amalaki (emblica officinalis) is an Ayurvedic treasure in itself and widely used. This little baby, the Indian gooseberry, has been one of Ayurveda’s prized rejuvenators since ancient times. It’s been shown to help lower cholesterol and is loaded with vitamin C. While appropriate for all doshas it’s particularly effective for balancing Pitta. 
Haritaki (terminalia chebula) is known as the Tibetan "king of medicine." Many depictions of the healing Buddha show him extending a handful of this fruit indicating its longstanding medicinal usage in Asia. It’s believed to have a variety of positive health effects on the heart and brain. It can be used as a laxative by itself, but also has an anti-diarrheal treatment. It’s an anti-inflammatory and is calming to Vata.
Bibhitaki (terminalia belerica) is another powerful ancient rejuvenator with detoxifying qualities on the blood, muscles, and fatty tissue of the body. Bibhitaki is very useful with conditions involving excess mucous in the system and is also good for quality bone formation. This fruit is known as “the one who keeps away disease” owing its name to the multiple benefits it has on Kapha.


As you can see, each component of Triphala is beneficial to a specific, corresponding piece of the tri-dosha experience that is you. The biggest impact is perhaps the health benefits as they relate to digestion. This mixture encourages balanced, full elimination, by pulling stagnated Ama or toxic residue from the digestive tract and increasing the colon’s absorption functions.
The colon is seen as the seat of Vata, so medicine that helps the function of the colon is beneficial to general Vata disorders. Several bowel diseases start out as Vata imbalances, even if later fueled by Pitta or Kapha issues. Triphala’s balancing effect on the “wind” of your digestive tract can not only get things moving but also help your bowels find the appropriate pace for optimal absorption.
Basically, Triphala promotes digestive regularity. The importance of this cannot be understated, especially for those who suffer from irregular elimination and other forms of bowel disease.

Dosha Balance

Triphala can also be used for dosha balancing. This is due to its relationship with your ability to taste, and your Rasa Dhatu, or plasma. In Ayurveda, the sense of taste is considered divine by nature. The information conveyed by your tongue is multilayered and more complex than just the literal taste of the food itself.
In Sanskrit the word for taste is Rasa. This is also the word for plasma as well as emotions or mood. Like so many other Sanskrit terms, this connection of using the same word for taste, plasma, and emotions carries a deeper meaning. Since your plasma cells are the first of the body to be nourished as a food digests, the plasma holds all six tastes within it. Your ability to taste is directly affected by the quality of the plasma in your body. In order to have healthy, nourishing plasma to feed your other body tissues, you must try to get a steady supply of all six tastes. This dynamic is part of what allows the taste-holding Triphala to have its unique effect.
Triphala contains the following tastes:
  • Sour
  • Pungent
  • Bitter
  • Astringent
  • Sweet
When you take it nightly—a half-teaspoon in powdered form—you will experience a different taste each time. The idea is that whatever you taste in the Triphala is the taste missing from your plasma and therefore your diet. With this information you can better plan meals and incorporate the appropriate tastes in your diet for your best balance. Note that you will very rarely taste sweet—but if and when you do—it’s time to stop using Triphala.

Taste as an Emotional Barometer

You can use your ability to taste as a tool to balance not only your physical body but also your emotional life. There is no separation between your physical body and your mind. In order to truly see food as medicine and the signals from your body as messages of conscious awareness, you have to take everything, including the signals from the tongue, as valid sources of information. While these signals are biological in nature, the psychology of taste should be taken into consideration, too.
Since Triphala is essentially clueing you in on a deficiency in your diet, you may exhibit this deficiency in your emotional or mental life as well. For example, a bitter taste may mean that it’s time to draw your mind inward and discipline your life in certain directions. A pungent taste from Triphala may mean that there’s room for more enthusiasm or vigor in your life.
Below is a list of the six tastes and their corresponding emotions. Notice which emotions have the most presence in your life and begin to pay attention to the tastes that are most prevalent in your diet. Also be sure to note whether these tastes are showing up in a balanced or imbalanced form in your life.
Taste                                 Balanced                            Out of Balance
Sweet                                 Nurturing                                  Cloying
Sour                                  Stimulating                               Caustic
Salty                                    Earthy                                    Hedonistic
Pungent                             Passionate                               Hostile
Bitter                                 Disciplined                                Resentful
Astringent                            Witty                                      Cynical
Common side effects of Triphala include loose or runny stools and stomach cramping. However, like most herbal remedies, negative side effects are usually the result of improper or misinformed use. If you begin to experience any of these side effects, stop use immediately and your system should return to normal.

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Thursday, June 26, 2014




               Benefits of Reflexology…

Stress Reduction

When we are stressed our body's defences break down and we become more susceptible to illness and disease. Reflexology reduces stress by generating deep tranquil relaxation, helping the body balance itself and allowing healing energy to flow.

Improved Circulation

Blood needs to flow freely throughout the body carrying oxygen and nutrients to all the cells and removing the waste products of metabolism and other toxins. By reducing stress and tension, reflexology allows the cardiovascular vessels to conduct the flow of blood naturally and easily.

Stimulated Nerve Function

By stimulating more than 7,000 nerves in the feet, reflexology encourages the opening and clearing of neural pathways. It interrupts pain pathways, reducing pain.

Improved Immune System

Reflexology stimulates the lymphatic system thus reducing risk of infection. It cleanses the body of toxins and impurities and also stimulates the production of endorphins, leading to an improved immune system and sense of well-being.

Increased Energy

Reflexology revitalises energy throughout the body by relaxing and opening up energy pathways.

Reflexology can assist in conditions such as:

* Allergies
* Arthritis
* Asthma
* Back Problems
* Blood Pressure
* Bowel Disorders
* Constipation
* Eczema
* Frozen Shoulder
* Gynecological Disorders
* Hay Fever
* Insomnia
* Knee Problems
* Multiple Sclerosis
* Muscle Tension
* Neck Problems
* PMS/Hormonal Problems
* Respiratory Problems
* Sinusitis
* Stress Disorders
* Thyroid Imbalance



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Wednesday, June 25, 2014


                        Pichu (Ayurvedic Treatment)


  Athick layer of cotton wool soaked with warm medicated oil is applied over the affected area.    The oil is recycled periodically to make it warm. This therapy is very effective for degenerative and painful problems like Back pain, Osteo-arthritis, Spondylitis, injuries, etc. Pichu is a palliative treatment for ailments of the head and spine. During this treatment, a long, thick layer of cotton wool soaked with warm medicated oil is applied over the affected area. The oil is replaced periodically to keep it warm and therapeutic. Pichu, one of the Purvakarma therapies, is considered an effective treatment for diseases of the cranial nerves arising from Vata disorder. This therapy is very effective for degenerative and painful spinal problems. Pichu is associated with Ayurvedic oil massage therapy. It includes pressing parts body with cloth dipped in warm medicated oil. It is applied over areas that require treatments for different conditions. Partial paralysis, rheumatism, and symptoms associated with nervous disorders are treated this way. Siropichu Siropichu means pichu given to siras or head. It is pichu therapy given to the head. It has different applications like cure to hair loss, increase eyesight, relieve stess, etc. Short, gentle and rhythmic massage strokes followed by a medicated herbal pack further alleviate stress and enhance the healing process. Emerge from this treatment with renewed agility and comfort. At least three treatments of Pichu are recommended for maximum benefit. .

What is the Pichu Procedure ?

A piece of cloth folded to palm size is drenched in herbal oil is kept on the patient’s crown or forehead. Oil is poured on the cloth periodically throughout the treatment time to keep it wet. The oil is retained there for certain time. It relaxes the nerves and brain cells, and improve the person’s memory level. Duration of the treatment is about 45minutes. The duration and type of medicines used are decided by the physician based on the person’s body nature and condition. However, in most of the cases the therapy is continued for 7 to 14 days and gives effective results. This therapy is useful for prolapsed discs, damaged joints, chronically tense tendons and muscles, memory loss and insomnia. It is applied over areas that require treatments for different conditions. Partial paralysis, rheumatism, and symptoms associated with nervous disorders are treated this way. Siropichu Siropichu means pichu given to siras or head. It is pichu therapy given to the head. It has different applications like cure to hair loss, increase eyesight, relieve stess, etc. Patra panda sweda or patra panda swedan (elakizhi) is an Ayurvedic therapeutic measure to cure rheumatic complaints like joint pains and swellings. Herbal leaves are made into a panda (bolus) wrapped in a cloth, dipped in warm medicated oil and pressed against the body. It is a tonic for both nervous and muscular systems. Chronic back pain, weakness of a limb, muscular cramps, stiffness, etc are cured with choice of herbal leaves. It also enhances blood circulation and promotes good metabolism.

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Monday, June 23, 2014


                     Fish Spa Treatments

What is a fish spa?

Even if it is not a complete and traditional spa , a fish spa provides you a facility where you let the fish eat away your dead and infected skin so that the fresh and newly developed skin becomes visible, giving you a shiny and smooth appearance.

A fish spa is totally harmless, and the fish are really small (just like  ladies fingers). The fish are good enough to eat just the skin you want to get rid of with no taste buds for your healthier and newer skin. Since these fish have an appetite for dead and diseased skin, even when you think that they are angry, they are not going to bite into the skin you would like to preserve.

Fish spa benefits

1. Fish spa exfoliates your skin
2. Keeps healthy skin cells intact
3. Helps people with skin problems like psoriases and eczema also
4. Skin blemishes are said to be reduced after few sessions of fish spa
5. Better blood circulation due to acupressure and tickling sensation of the fish
6. Natural method which is chemical-free
7. Appropriate for people who have skin allergies for chemicals or lotions
8. Less labor involved
9. Enjoy the unusual sensation and seeing the fish at work
So why not immerse yourself into a hot spring or fish pool, or enjoy a foot, facial or body fish treatment before a massage, and experience a treatment like no other. This strangely unique and wonderful feeling cannot be described in words and will make you return every few months to take advantage of the fish treatments principal purpose and function, to protect and beautify your skin.

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Sunday, June 22, 2014



            Massage - Stone Therapy

Stone therapy massage utilises both hot and cold stones incorporated with massage techniques in order to bring about a feeling of deep relaxation and wellbeing. The hot stones are usually volcanic rocks such as basalt and cold stones are marble or cool sedimentary stones. The stones are heated or chilled to varying temperatures and come in all shapes and sizes. The stones are placed on the client according to their needs and, when used with massage, can provide benefits that are not possible through normal massage.

Treatment Process

Stone therapy is a thermotherapy, using stones to provide both heat and cold and the combination of alternating temperatures can be very beneficial. The heated volcanic stones are used on key acupressure sites and the heat relaxes the muscles, allowing for a much deeper massage. Heated stones can also be placed on the body’s chakras, or energy points, working with the body’s natural energy to create balance both physically and mentally. Alternatively, the stones can be used as a kind of “place marker”, letting the therapist know where more specific massage or treatments are needed.
The stones come in different shapes and sizes and the therapist will select the stones according to your needs.
Cold stones are used to reduce and/or treat inflammation, to remove blood from a swollen area, and to rebalance the male and female energies in the body in order to restore the body to a state of harmony. Cold stones can also be used for detoxification purposes. Using hot and cold stones together can improve the functioning of the circulatory system and assist the body with its self-healing processes.
When getting a stone therapy massage, it is not unusual for the client’s body temperature, heart rate and breathing rate to rise and fall during the treatment. This is not harmful and is merely the result of the rapid exchange of oxygen and blood in the body.
All five senses are catered for in a stone therapy massage, with aromatherapy oil and other relaxing tools being used when the massage is carried out. The therapist’s goal is to bring about deep relaxation in the client so that negativity is removed and the client feels an overall sense of wellbeing.

Conditions Treated

Stone therapy massage can be used to treat a variety of conditions including:
  • improving the lymphatic and immune systems
  • normalising body functions
  • helping your body to heal itself
  • increasing of cellular activity
  • improving the flow of blood
  • inflammation and muscle injury
  • removing stress and inducing a feeling of well-being
  • balancing the male and female energies


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Saturday, June 21, 2014


        Relieving Constipation with Ayurveda

Constipation is a condition in which one experiences infrequent bowel movement, difficulty in passing stool or a feeling of unfinished evacuation of stool. Constipation can lead to accumulation of harmful waste materials in the intestine which produce ama (toxins) that gets carried to the whole body through blood.

In Ayurveda terms, constipation is known as Aanaaha or Koshtha baddhata. It is usually caused by an imbalance of the vata dosha which governs movement, digestion and motion in our body.

Causes of Constipation

Constipation is a warning signal from our body of an underlying problem that needs immediate attention. The causes may be varied -
  • Intake of vata aggravating diet – excessive consumption of dry, cold, bitter, astringent, and powdery foods, poor diet dominated by animal fats and refined foods.
  • Frequent fasting or starvation, not eating for long periods.
  • Low intake of water or juices and frequently taking soft drinks and caffeine that have a dehydrating effect on the body.
  • Sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise.
  • Travelling or frequent changes in daily routine.
  • Endocrine and metabolic problems, for example hypothyroidism, diabetes, cystic fibrosis.
  • Medical conditions: Pregnancy, old age, intestinal obstruction, fever, anemia, tuberculosis, psychological problem, nervous disorder, colon cancer.
  • Specific medicines like common pain killers, antacids, diuretics, antidepressants, antispasmodics, iron supplements, anticonvulsants and antihistamines.
  • Withholding the urge to pass stool.
  • Dependence on laxatives or other habits like smoking, bed tea, etc., the absence of which may cause difficulty in defecation.

Symptoms of Constipation

  • Dry and hard stool with difficult and painful bowel movement
  • Stomach pain, gas, loss of appetite, pain in abdomen
  • Nausea
  • Feeling sluggish, uncomfortable and irritated.
  • Swollen and hardened abdomen.

Ayurvedic Approach to Constipation

Since constipation is often a symptom of many other underlying heath issues, the Ayurveda approach is to treat the root cause of the disease. The Ayurvedic line of treatment revolves around simple changes in diet and lifestyle, yoga therapy, herbal and home remedies. Ayurveda treatment of constipation aims to improve proper digestion, absorption and assimilation of food and excretion of waste.

Dietary Treatment

  • Ayurveda recommends the inclusion of dosha pacifying foods in the diet.  Intake of fiber-rich food, oil, ghee (preferably cow ghee), warm milk, whole grains, nuts, leafy vegetables and fruits, especially papaya, sugarcane, grapes, guava, pears, apple, tomato and beet-root is beneficial.
  • Ginger, cardamom, fennel, asafetida, black pepper, and long pepper release gas and support downward vata movement. Inclusion of these herbs  will help.
  •  Drink plenty of water and liquids throughout the day. It is advised to start your day with a glass of lukewarm water. It is better if the water is kept in a copper utensil overnight.
  • Try to avoid rice, fried foods, beans, cabbage, legumes, mushrooms, packaged and frozen foods.

Herbs for Constipation

  • Dry ginger, black pepper, long pepper (pippali), liquorice root (mulethi), celery seeds, cumin, amla, black salt, bael fruit, cassia, castor and chicory are used to treat constipation.
  • Triphala churan, a powdered mix prepared with Amla (Indian gooseberry), Hareetaki (terminalia chebula) and Bibhitaki (terminalia belerica)  is very effective for constipation.
  • Panchkarma therapies such as Vasthi karma (enema therapy) and Virechana karma (purgation therapy) are recommended in severe cases.

Lifestyle Changes To Relieve Constipation

  • Ayurveda highly recommends adherence to a proper daily routine or dincharya. It sets the body system to work properly.
  • Don’t withhold the urge to defecate.
  • It is advisable to walk daily for at least 30 minutes, especially after meals. Walking relieves constipation.
  • Avoid the use of laxatives, antacids or dependence on foods and drinks that will form a habit.
  • Yoga asanas such as Pawanmuktasana, Vajrasana, Dhanurasana, Yogmudra, Halasana, Uttanpadasana, Paschimottanasana and Kapalbhati pranayama are helpful in enhancing digestive health.

Remedies from the Kitchen Shelf

  • Drink lukewarm water with honey and lemon in the morning.
  • Ginger and cardamom tea help in regularizing bowel movement.
  • Drinking a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey and cow ghee at bedtime is beneficial in poor bowel movement.
  • Eating apples with peel or chopped fresh onion on an empty stomach is beneficial.
  • Drink carrot juice in breakfast.
  • Soak 6-8 raisins overnight in hot water, crush and strain when cool. Drink the strained water daily for 10 days.
  • Apply 3-4 drops of lukewarm castor oil on the navel area at night.
  • Take Isabgol husk with warm water or milk at bedtime.
Constipation is a very common problem faced by millions around the world. Ayurveda remedies focus on enhancing the body’s natural healing capabilities. Timely treatment of constipation is important as many hidden disease may get treated in the process. The beauty of Ayurvedic treatment is that it does not have any side-effects.


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Friday, June 20, 2014



Most people typically think of facials and laying down on a massage table when they think about spa treatments, however the reality is there is much more to it than that.

There is a variety of treatments that you can take advantage of when you visit a spa, some of which were only recently available through a doctor’s office. There are different types of spa treatments that encompass the entire body focusing on certain aspects like beauty, health, well-living, and even weight and nutrition. Before you decide to visit a facility to get any kind of treatment, it is best that you understand them first to make sure you are getting the kind of benefits you are expecting to get.

The most popular of spa treatments are facials, which focus on rejuvenating and revitalizing the facial area to make it look and feel younger. A good facial typically includes cleansing services, as well as toning and moisturizing. Mostly it removes the dead or dry skin cells from the surface, sometimes focusing on specific areas such as under the eyes to reduce puffiness. Collagen can also be applied to tighten the skin and make it feel much smoother.

In addition to facials, there are also body treatments such as massages, body wraps, exfoliation treatments and vichy showers. Massages help improve circulation and soothe sore muscles.

A body wrap treatment begins with a salt scrub to exfoliate the skin and remove any dead skin cells. A seaweed wrap is then applied to absorb any impurities that still linger within the skin, improving its health and texture. Once the wrap is removed, it is then followed up by a shower to remove any impurities that are stuck to the surface of the skin, and then a moisturizer is applied.

There are also hair and nail treatments one can take advantage of. Threading is a technique that originated in the Middle East and is often used to thin facial hair, particularly the eyebrows.

In addition to the kind of spa treatments you can typically get at any salon, there are also skin treatments that used to be only available at a doctor’s office. Such treatments include Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and laser hair-removal among others. Botox injections became popular in the last decade and basically paralyze the facial muscles to reduce crow’s feet and wrinkles. Microdermabrasion is a very simple procedure that bombards the skin with a fine spray of micro crystals to remove the outer layers of dead skin. Laser hair removal is a permanent method for removing hair from various parts of the body. It requires several treatments for it to have a permanent effect. There is also a newer variation to this called pulsed-light hair removal which uses pulses of light at a lower intensity, and is therefore less painful but requires more treatment sessions.


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