Wednesday, March 18, 2015



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                                         REMEDIES FOR ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION

Erectile Dysfunction:

• Erectile dysfunction is also known as impotence
• It's usually temporary and doesn't require medical intervention
• If the condition is permanent, it can affect a man's self esteem and sexual relationship

Symptoms to look for:

• Difficulty in maintaining an erection for satisfactory sexual activity


• Old age
• Injury
• Stress
• Addiction to nicotine
• Consuming alcohol
• Drug abuse
• Can be a side effect of medical conditions like:
   o Diabetes
   o High cholesterol
   o Depression
   o Heart diseases
   o Other psychiatric diseases

Natural home remedy using carrots, egg and honey:       

1. Take ½ a bowl of chopped carrots
2. Add 1 half boiled egg
3. Add 2 tbsp of honey
4. Mix well
5. Have once everyday
6. Do this for 1 month

Natural home remedy using drumstick flowers: 

1. Boil a handful of drumstick flowers in 1 glass of milk
2. Drink it when lukewarm
3. Sip it every day for 1-2 months

This is a good tonic to overcome sexual debility

Natural home remedy using ginger and honey:

1. Crush ginger to a paste
2. Take 2 tsp of this ginger paste
3. Add 2 tsp of honey
4. Mix well
5. Have this 3 times a day


• Erectile dysfunction should not be linked with:
   o Lack of sexual desire
   o Premature ejaculation
• Have realistic sexual expectations
• Communicate your needs with your partner

These remedies are based on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, and are completely natural, non-invasive, and can be prepared at home. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist.  Refer to the terms of use.

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                                                  S A K S H A L  H O L I S T I C  H E A L I N G

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Purify Your Space of Negative Energies & Psychic Pollution

Certain places are intrinsically dirtier than others. If you spend time in these surroundings, you are exposed to greater-than-average energetic contamination. Thus, you may need to practice energetic hygiene more diligently and more regularly — for example, cutting cords and performing general self-sweeping.  You can also directly clean the area. Below are easy to perform techniques used in Pranic Healing to quickly purify your environment.

Steps in Cleaning a room or building of dirty energy

1. Burn incense. Burn a stick or cone of incense in the rooms of your house or work area. Sandalwood is the most common cleansing incense; it contains much high-quality green prana. If you prefer different fragrances, however, lavender incense contains blue-violet prana, and sage incense contains green, blue and violet prana.

2. Chant “OM” or “Amen.”  Chant the mantra “OM” or “Amen” in the room for 20 minutes. This mantra disperses dirty energy, which is why it is universally used as part of many meditation routines to clear the mind of thoughts.

3. Open all windows and curtains to let fresh air and sunlight in. An easy way to clean a house or room energetically, opening windows and curtains allows cleansing solar and air prana to flood a room or house. An hour or two a day should be sufficient for moderate residual contamination.

4. Spray the area with salt water from a sprayer. Mix a few tablespoons of salt with a cup of water in a sprayer with a fine misting capability. Shake to dissolve the salt. Walk through a room spraying the salt and water into the air, allowing the droplets to filter down to the floor. Just as salt water breaks down the dirty energy that you sweep from your own aura, it also effectively cleans a room or building. Holy water of the Catholic Church is essentially salt water with the priest’s benediction on it.
5. Loud clapping. Loud, purposeful clapping with intent can break up and disperse dirty energy in a room. Go into a room, form a clear intent to dispel the dirty energy, and walk through the area clapping about 10 to 30 times, depending on the size of the room. One clap per second is a good pace.
It may be difficult to perform some of these routines in your work area, so here is a technique that can be employed for either home or work:
Project Electric Violet Energy to the room or area. Visualize your house or workplace very small, about a foot in total area, in front of you. Make the visualization as clear as you can.

Form the intent that you are scanning the house or area to determine if there is any dirty energy and then scan it. Be aware of any sensations of stickiness or heaviness, just as you did when you scanned your own body.

Imagine Electric Violet beam projecting from your palm as you focus your Crown Chakra. Flood the house or area with the Electric Violet beams-flushing out all negativity into the earth. Project for a minimum period of 5 minutes or until you feel the area feels lighter. Repeat as necessary. You can also pray as you project Electric Violet. Many will feel strong vibration or ‘buzzing’ sensation on your Crown and Hand Chakras.

Then, rescan the house. It should be much cleaner than it was before you started.

For More Details and HEALINGS :

                                                           AARJJITHRA HOLISTIC
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                                           New Vilangudi, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India
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Tuesday, March 10, 2015


What is Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested system of energy medicine developed by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy processes. Prana is a Sanskrit word that means life-force. This invisible bio-energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. In acupuncture, the Chinese refer to this subtle energy as Chi. It is also called Ruach or the Breath of Life in Hebrew.
Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful & effective system of no-touch energy healing. It is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself and that the healing process is accelerated by increasing this life force that is readily available from the sun, air and ground to address physical & emotional imbalances. Master Choa Kok Sui says "Life Energy or prana is all around us. It is pervasive; we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy. Based on this principle, a healer can draw in Pranic Energy or Life Energy from the surroundings."

Pranic Healing requires no drugs, gadgets, not even physical contact with the subject. Physical contact is not required because the practitioner is working on the bioplasmic or energy body and not directly on the physical body. This energy body, or aura, is the mold or blueprint that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It is the energy body that absorbs life energy and distributes it throughout the physical body, to the muscles, organs, glands, etc. The reason Pranic Healing works on the energy body is that physical ailments first appear as energetic disruptions in the aura before manifesting as problems in the physical body.
This pervasive energy that surrounds, interpenetrates and sustains the physical body, also affects our emotions, our ability to handle stress, relationships and even finances.
Master Choa Kok Sui developed Pranic Healing as a comprehensive System of energy medicine to improve the quality of our every day lives. The courses offered are designed to give a person a well-rounded education in Energy Healing and other Esoteric Sciences. These courses are offered across the United States and throughout the World.
We welcome you to the Exciting World of Energy and the Pranic Healing

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Friday, March 6, 2015



                              Image result for images of rudraksha

Benefits Of Wearing Rudraksha

Rudraksha benefits

Benefits of Wearing Rudraksha beads:

  • Controls blood pressure (It is proved that rudraksha beads decreases blood pressure variations exceptionally.)
  • Protects from all visible and invisible evils (Our great evil is our thoughts, it protects us and people around us from bad thoughts) 

  There are many positive comments from the users of rudraksha. All tell about better feeling which clears all doubts on "Benefits of wearing rudraksha". First thing the wearer gets benefit after wearing rudraksha is positive mentality. They feel totally reformed thoughts coming from within. Let us read  more Benefits of wearing rudraksha.

Benefits Of wearing Rudraksha

  • Peace of mind (It is seen that people wearing rudraksha are more peaceful in nature) 
  • Improve concentration (Rudraksha increases concentration) 
  • They generate specific electrical impulses that are sent to the brain through the process of galvanic skin response stimulating certain brain centers that transfer information. 
  • Their dielectric and magnetic properties initiate and effect positive change in our Neurophysiology
  • Reduces stress (Rudraksha beads harmonizes blood flow and decreases stress by giving sound sleep)
  • Rudraksha Beads are dielectric as they store electrical energy and they have permanent magnetic properties that change with the different Mukhi Beads. 
  • Rudraksha Malas when used in Japa, integrate with the human body. It bring consciousness. 
Rudraksha Wearing
       Wear Rudraksha today. Feel the benefits of rudraksha wearing. It is amazing that you will tell.


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Image result for images of rudrakshaImage result for images of rudraksha


                                     HOLISTIC THERAPY FOR SEMEN DEFFICIENCY

Azoospermia is a situation also identified as nil sperm count. It is the ground why lots of couples cannot conceive babies and it is a source of annoyance, particularly in couples wanting to start families. Azoospermia denotes that a man has either no sperm in his ejaculate or he has completely zero sperm count. There can be lots of sources for this situation, but it has no indications at all. Men can only find it out once they become aware that they cannot create babies and do a fertility examination.Natural Herbal Treatment for Nil Sperm Count
Causes of Azoospermia
Nutrition and vitamin deficiency, like insufficiency in Vitamin C, selenium, zinc and folic acid is only one of the causes of azoospermia or nil sperm count. The other factors involved are chemotherapy, obesity, smoking, ingestion of excessive alcohol, exposure to heavy metals and further environmental issues. A current research reveals that ingesting polluted water also triggers nil sperm count and motility.
Treatment of Azoospermia
As soon as revealed, azoospermia is treatable and you can recover your fertility. It is excellent to select natural remedy or medication for azoospermia or nil sperm count. In immense most situations, this complaint is the outcome of a hormonal inequity. Natural treatments are founded on herbs that replace the male hormones within the body and stabilize their levels. They intensify the sperm count and also the sperm motility.
Natural herbal treatment for azoospermia or nil sperm count is largely comprised of ayurvedic herbs. These include assets comparable to the hormones that boost the sperm manufacture.
Herbal Treatment #1: Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus terrestris is one of the herbs that remedy azoospermia. It is utilized already for lots of years in terms of fertility connected issues, depleted male libido and further sexual complaints such as erectile dysfunction. Tribulus terrestris intensifies the level of estrogen and testosterone and also increases blood circulation in the whole region, but largely within the reproductive system and the urinary tract.
Herbal Treatment #2: Safed Musli
Safed musli is extremely suggested by experts in the ayurvedic medicine for the reason that it appears to include assets that improve semen count, semen quantity and semen motility. These are the major aspects that influence the fertility of men. Safed musli is also useful in a vast assortment of further situations produced by a failure of the reproductive system. It appears to be augmenting both fertility and functioning in men.
Herbal Treatment #3: Ashwagandha, Shilajit and Mucuna Pruriens
There are also additional ayurvedic herbs that remedy azoospermia. These herbs include ashawagandha, shilajit and mucuna pruriens. They all have excellent results on the wellbeing of the reproductive system. They also include aphrodisiac outcomes. Mucuna pruriens is the strongest aphrodisiac. It also intensifies the testosterone level and the libido, by means of motivating the manufacture of dopamine. Mucuna pruriens has also results on the level of the nervous system, toning it and intensifying the vulnerability and organization.
Azoospermia or nil sperm count is totally curable with natural herbal treatments. As an overall regulation for staying away from this situation, prevent smoking, caffeine and alcohol, by no means wear tight-fitting underwear and stay away from extreme heating of the testicles. Consume healthy foods and remain your weight under control.


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Micronutrient Deficiency: Symptoms and Effects to Kids


                 | Service Provider > Ayurvedic Treatment, Stress Management Therapy ... Ayurvedic treatment for anxietyShiro Vasti... Four Fountains De Stress Spa: An Ayurvedic Spa, Massage Therapy

          Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Anxiety

Ayurveda, in Sanskrit, means "the science of life," and according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the end goal of ayurvedic remedies is to keep your body and mind in alignment, which helps keep you healthy. Anxiety is a condition involving the mind, but it can display itself physically through a racing heartbeat, muscle tension and sleeplessness. The ayurvedic explanation for anxiety, according to NCCAM, is an imbalance of the vata dosha--the life force that involves heart function, breathing and the mind. Ayurvedic home remedies for anxiety address both pieces of the puzzle through massage therapy, meditation and diet.

Massage and Acupressure

Massage therapy is used in ayurvedic tradition to ease anxiety. Massaging tense muscles helps you relax, and the physical relaxation may in turn help your mind stop racing with anxious thoughts.SAKSHAL Holistic recommends a full-body massage if possible, in order to calm the body. If you are under time constraints or do not have a partner who can administer a massage, a short scalp or foot massage can also relieve both physical and mental tension. Acupressure--an element of the traditional Chinese practice of acupuncture---might also serve as a calming measure. Applying pressure to a point in the center of your left hand calms what is called your prana, or life force. Find the right pressure point by making a fist so that your fingertips touch the center of your left palm. Use your right hand to apply pressure to the top of your middle finger, and hold for one minute.
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