DHOOMA PANAM - Ayurvedic Treatment
Dhooma Panam
Dhooma Panam
This therapy is practiced in Kapha and Vatha diseases affecting head and neck regions. It is preventive as well as curative medicated smoke, inhaled through nostrils and exhaled through mouth.
1. Snigdha-Mild
2. Madhya- Moderate
3. Teekshna-Strong
Snigdha Dhooma is indicated in Vatha diseases. It produces Sneha of head and neck region. This type of Dhooma is prepared with medicines like Gulgulu, Mustha, Usheeram, Yashtimadhu, and Thaila.
Madhya Dhooma is indicated in Vathakapha disorders. It is prepared with Padmarenu, Nalpamaraa bark, Lodhra, Yastimadhu and Kushtham.
Teekshna Dhoma is indicated in Kapha conditions. It is prepared with Haridra, Thriphala, Vacha, and Dasamoda.
This therapy is practiced in Kapha and Vatha diseases affecting head and neck regions. It is preventive as well as curative medicated smoke, inhaled through nostrils and exhaled through mouth.
1. Snigdha-Mild
2. Madhya- Moderate
3. Teekshna-Strong
Snigdha Dhooma is indicated in Vatha diseases. It produces Sneha of head and neck region. This type of Dhooma is prepared with medicines like Gulgulu, Mustha, Usheeram, Yashtimadhu, and Thaila.
Madhya Dhooma is indicated in Vathakapha disorders. It is prepared with Padmarenu, Nalpamaraa bark, Lodhra, Yastimadhu and Kushtham.
Teekshna Dhoma is indicated in Kapha conditions. It is prepared with Haridra, Thriphala, Vacha, and Dasamoda.