Nasyam is very important treatment for illness in the head region. Nostrils are the doorway to brain. As such, treatment to that area is being done through nostrils. Application of medicated oil and powder through nostrils is called nasyam. Main types of nasyam are virechana nasyam, dhmana nasyam, brumhana nasyam and shamana nasyam. Nasya not only helps in removing toxins from the head, neck, brain, eyes, ear, nose and throat region, but it also helps in snehan (unction), shaman (pacifying the toxins without removing them), bhringan, tarpan (nourishment) and gives immunity to these parts. With the use of nasaya, mucous membrane of nasal cavity is stimulated and therefore, other associated organs are also affected. Therefore, the obstructed kapha, in the channels, is removed which results in proper blood circulation in the head The procedure of nasaya helps in the elimination of spasm in the nose. It also dilates the constricted bronchial tubes and bronchioles, thereby helping in the treatment of dyspnoea and asthma. Nasaya helps in eliminating toxins from the head, neck, brain, ear, nose, and throat and cleans all the channels, which results in improved circulation of the nourishing dhathu in the deeper tissues. In this way, nasaya helps in preventing many disorders related to these organs like paralysis, various headaches, diseases of sensory organs, sinusitis etc. It provides strength to sensory organs, prevents ageing, hair loss and graying. It also keeps the skin of the face and body free from wrinkles. Virechana Nasyam
Duration: 30 minutes
1 day: Rs. 500/-
3 days: Rs.1200/-
7 days: Rs.2500/-
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