Monday, May 12, 2014



                     LEUCODERMA (WHITE PATCHES)

              DEFINITION :

              Leucoderma is the gradual loss of skin pigment, called melanin from layers of the skin. White patches occur all over the body including face, scalp and genitals.

              CAUSES :  

              Even though the exact causative factor of  Leucoderma is not known. The following  could be one of the factors  :-

              1. Excessive stress or worry.
              2. Chronic gastric problems or improper liver functions.
              3. Excessive consumption of opposite food items (eg: milk and fish together).
              4. Worms/parasites in the digestive system.
              5. Burns and injuries.
              6. Heredity Problems.

              SYMPTOMS :-

              1. White patches (de-pigmentation) on skin, hands, feet, face, lips etc initially small white spots appear and gradually develop in to white patches.

              2. Premature graying of scalp hair, eye lashes, eye brows and beard.

           AYURVEDA :

              According to Ayurveda,  Leucoderma is caused due to the aggravation of pitta  Dosha.  Pitta is an ayurvedic humor, which symbolizes heat or fire, and is manifested in the skin. Aggravated Pitta leads to accumulation of ama(toxins) in deep layers of the skin, leading to the condition of Leucoderma.

              Treatment consists of pacifying imbalanced body energies, cleansing the blood and administrating herbs that restore skin colour. Poor digestion is the root cause of this diseas, as it causes the build-up of toxins in the tissues.  An essential part of the treatment, therefore is restoring digestion. The patient will also be advised on the correct diet and lifestyle adjustments to prevent recurrence of the disorder.

              Diet and Lifestyle Advice :- 

              1. Eat more vegetables that are bitter in taste, like drumsticks and bitter goud.
              2. Avoid from indigest foods, sour taste, excessive salt, curd, fish, jaggery, and seasame foods.
              3. Avoid opposite foods : such as fish and milk together.
              4. Have sound and adequate sleep daily.
              5. Do not over expose yourself to excessive cold or heat conditions.

           HOME REMEDIES :-

             1. A paste made of Bakuchi (Psoralea Corylifolia) and vinegar should be applied over the white patches and exposed to early sunrays for 15 minutes.

             2. Ginger juice (10 ml) twice a day ensures proper blood supply to these white patches.

             3. Turmeric powder well mixed in mustard oil is also a good external application.    

For details:








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