Saturday, June 21, 2014


        Relieving Constipation with Ayurveda

Constipation is a condition in which one experiences infrequent bowel movement, difficulty in passing stool or a feeling of unfinished evacuation of stool. Constipation can lead to accumulation of harmful waste materials in the intestine which produce ama (toxins) that gets carried to the whole body through blood.

In Ayurveda terms, constipation is known as Aanaaha or Koshtha baddhata. It is usually caused by an imbalance of the vata dosha which governs movement, digestion and motion in our body.

Causes of Constipation

Constipation is a warning signal from our body of an underlying problem that needs immediate attention. The causes may be varied -
  • Intake of vata aggravating diet – excessive consumption of dry, cold, bitter, astringent, and powdery foods, poor diet dominated by animal fats and refined foods.
  • Frequent fasting or starvation, not eating for long periods.
  • Low intake of water or juices and frequently taking soft drinks and caffeine that have a dehydrating effect on the body.
  • Sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise.
  • Travelling or frequent changes in daily routine.
  • Endocrine and metabolic problems, for example hypothyroidism, diabetes, cystic fibrosis.
  • Medical conditions: Pregnancy, old age, intestinal obstruction, fever, anemia, tuberculosis, psychological problem, nervous disorder, colon cancer.
  • Specific medicines like common pain killers, antacids, diuretics, antidepressants, antispasmodics, iron supplements, anticonvulsants and antihistamines.
  • Withholding the urge to pass stool.
  • Dependence on laxatives or other habits like smoking, bed tea, etc., the absence of which may cause difficulty in defecation.

Symptoms of Constipation

  • Dry and hard stool with difficult and painful bowel movement
  • Stomach pain, gas, loss of appetite, pain in abdomen
  • Nausea
  • Feeling sluggish, uncomfortable and irritated.
  • Swollen and hardened abdomen.

Ayurvedic Approach to Constipation

Since constipation is often a symptom of many other underlying heath issues, the Ayurveda approach is to treat the root cause of the disease. The Ayurvedic line of treatment revolves around simple changes in diet and lifestyle, yoga therapy, herbal and home remedies. Ayurveda treatment of constipation aims to improve proper digestion, absorption and assimilation of food and excretion of waste.

Dietary Treatment

  • Ayurveda recommends the inclusion of dosha pacifying foods in the diet.  Intake of fiber-rich food, oil, ghee (preferably cow ghee), warm milk, whole grains, nuts, leafy vegetables and fruits, especially papaya, sugarcane, grapes, guava, pears, apple, tomato and beet-root is beneficial.
  • Ginger, cardamom, fennel, asafetida, black pepper, and long pepper release gas and support downward vata movement. Inclusion of these herbs  will help.
  •  Drink plenty of water and liquids throughout the day. It is advised to start your day with a glass of lukewarm water. It is better if the water is kept in a copper utensil overnight.
  • Try to avoid rice, fried foods, beans, cabbage, legumes, mushrooms, packaged and frozen foods.

Herbs for Constipation

  • Dry ginger, black pepper, long pepper (pippali), liquorice root (mulethi), celery seeds, cumin, amla, black salt, bael fruit, cassia, castor and chicory are used to treat constipation.
  • Triphala churan, a powdered mix prepared with Amla (Indian gooseberry), Hareetaki (terminalia chebula) and Bibhitaki (terminalia belerica)  is very effective for constipation.
  • Panchkarma therapies such as Vasthi karma (enema therapy) and Virechana karma (purgation therapy) are recommended in severe cases.

Lifestyle Changes To Relieve Constipation

  • Ayurveda highly recommends adherence to a proper daily routine or dincharya. It sets the body system to work properly.
  • Don’t withhold the urge to defecate.
  • It is advisable to walk daily for at least 30 minutes, especially after meals. Walking relieves constipation.
  • Avoid the use of laxatives, antacids or dependence on foods and drinks that will form a habit.
  • Yoga asanas such as Pawanmuktasana, Vajrasana, Dhanurasana, Yogmudra, Halasana, Uttanpadasana, Paschimottanasana and Kapalbhati pranayama are helpful in enhancing digestive health.

Remedies from the Kitchen Shelf

  • Drink lukewarm water with honey and lemon in the morning.
  • Ginger and cardamom tea help in regularizing bowel movement.
  • Drinking a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey and cow ghee at bedtime is beneficial in poor bowel movement.
  • Eating apples with peel or chopped fresh onion on an empty stomach is beneficial.
  • Drink carrot juice in breakfast.
  • Soak 6-8 raisins overnight in hot water, crush and strain when cool. Drink the strained water daily for 10 days.
  • Apply 3-4 drops of lukewarm castor oil on the navel area at night.
  • Take Isabgol husk with warm water or milk at bedtime.
Constipation is a very common problem faced by millions around the world. Ayurveda remedies focus on enhancing the body’s natural healing capabilities. Timely treatment of constipation is important as many hidden disease may get treated in the process. The beauty of Ayurvedic treatment is that it does not have any side-effects.


                     SAKSHAL HOLISTIC HEALING

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