Athick layer of cotton wool soaked with warm medicated oil is applied over the affected area.    The oil is recycled periodically to make it warm. This therapy is very effective for degenerative and painful problems like Back pain, Osteo-arthritis, Spondylitis, injuries, etc. Pichu is a palliative treatment for ailments of the head and spine. During this treatment, a long, thick layer of cotton wool soaked with warm medicated oil is applied over the affected area. The oil is replaced periodically to keep it warm and therapeutic. Pichu, one of the Purvakarma therapies, is considered an effective treatment for diseases of the cranial nerves arising from Vata disorder. This therapy is very effective for degenerative and painful spinal problems. Pichu is associated with Ayurvedic oil massage therapy. It includes pressing parts body with cloth dipped in warm medicated oil. It is applied over areas that require treatments for different conditions. Partial paralysis, rheumatism, and symptoms associated with nervous disorders are treated this way. Siropichu Siropichu means pichu given to siras or head. It is pichu therapy given to the head. It has different applications like cure to hair loss, increase eyesight, relieve stess, etc. Short, gentle and rhythmic massage strokes followed by a medicated herbal pack further alleviate stress and enhance the healing process. Emerge from this treatment with renewed agility and comfort. At least three treatments of Pichu are recommended for maximum benefit. .

What is the Pichu Procedure ?

A piece of cloth folded to palm size is drenched in herbal oil is kept on the patient’s crown or forehead. Oil is poured on the cloth periodically throughout the treatment time to keep it wet. The oil is retained there for certain time. It relaxes the nerves and brain cells, and improve the person’s memory level. Duration of the treatment is about 45minutes. The duration and type of medicines used are decided by the physician based on the person’s body nature and condition. However, in most of the cases the therapy is continued for 7 to 14 days and gives effective results. This therapy is useful for prolapsed discs, damaged joints, chronically tense tendons and muscles, memory loss and insomnia. It is applied over areas that require treatments for different conditions. Partial paralysis, rheumatism, and symptoms associated with nervous disorders are treated this way. Siropichu Siropichu means pichu given to siras or head. It is pichu therapy given to the head. It has different applications like cure to hair loss, increase eyesight, relieve stess, etc. Patra panda sweda or patra panda swedan (elakizhi) is an Ayurvedic therapeutic measure to cure rheumatic complaints like joint pains and swellings. Herbal leaves are made into a panda (bolus) wrapped in a cloth, dipped in warm medicated oil and pressed against the body. It is a tonic for both nervous and muscular systems. Chronic back pain, weakness of a limb, muscular cramps, stiffness, etc are cured with choice of herbal leaves. It also enhances blood circulation and promotes good metabolism.

                       SAKSHAL HOLISTIC HEALING, 

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